Sunday 27 March 2011

Dividends from the universe

I have heard people utter this "why me"many a times when things go wrong in their life.I ask them why not you?We sow what we reap.In this life every thing you say,think and do comes back to you,whether someone believes it or not they can't change the fact. And the fact is that what ever you do,All your actions,good or bad are being recorded by the universe.You may think nobody is seeing it so nobody knows but universe is seeing every thing,You cant hide anything from the all-seeing. Every human being has a bank of deeds where they keep on depositing all their deeds good or bad, knowingly or unknowingly,and believe me when I say that this bank keeps giving you your dividends without you asking for it.

Just think and see in your lifetime when you have done something good  and were not acknowleged  for it,or may be some one did appreciate it. After some time or may be a long time, when you were in need,you got timely help.It's nothing but your deposit you did some days back which you withdrew without realising.You have to constantly make efforts to understand what you deposit and when, And in what form you get it back.

Just concentrate on your day to day thoughts ,Actions,Deeds and see,Am not saying you will get rewards immideately but you will get them for sure.May be not from the same person, but someone will come and help you, when ever you are in need . If you have helped anyone,Anytime in your lifetime your actions and deeds will never go to waste.So never hesitate to help others,Think positive thoughts, for every thing is going to come back to you.You will get dividends from the universe.......Amen


1 comment:

  1. Loved your positive post, I had taken my dog for a walk when another dog attacked us.A man washing his car came to my rescue and scared the dog away. I thanked the man and god for sending him to help me. I must have done some good somewhere to have got it back in this manner.
